Basic institutes of Slovak Private International Law

Basic institutes of Slovak Private International Law

Autor: Peter Lysina, Katarína Burdová, Miroslav Slašťan, Lea Mezeiová, Dominika Gornaľová, Laura Bugajová

Nakladateľstvo: Wolters Kluwer

Dátum vydania: 24. 8. 2023

The publication preprared by the team of authors from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University brings an analytical view of the basic institutes of Slovak Private International Law. The authors pay attention to the most important institutes and instruments, while not neglecting the most problematic issues. The ambition of the monograph is to provide clear answers to a number of open questions of Slovak Private International Law, and also to create an adequate basis for further scientific discussion on institutes, place and role of this dynamically developing branch of Slovak legal order.